Letter from our President

Hello MAND members, sending you happy and safe wishes in hopes you are enjoying this beautiful summer Maine is giving us- I also hope you’re finding ways to stay cool! I know I’ve had to get creative in my own backyard, but I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to think outside the box. Welcome to the 2020-2021 MAND Board year. Our board successfully transitioned into your new group of officers this June and are hard at work already. We have an incredible group of engaged and creative leaders on our board, including those who have been on the board previously and some new faces. You can learn more about the members of our board in the ‘about’ section on our website. Our committees have been hard at work-
Our Conference Committee quickly transitioned our conference to a virtual experience in May to keep us all safe with the need for social distancing with COVID-19. The conference was a success and brought our members the opportunity to hear from a variety of engaging speakers. The webinars were recorded and we plan to make them available to purchase for our membership in the future. Plan for a spring 2021 in-person conference in Freeport if conditions are safe and allow for it. We look forward to seeing you!
Our Public Policy Panel has been hard at work advocating for sound nutrition policy at both a state and federal level. We had a great Legislative Luncheon at the State House in March, just before COVID-19 appeared in Maine and social distancing was required. The PPP continues their work, supporting the Medical Nutrition Therapy Act of 2020, which would expand Medicare coverage for Medical Nutrition Therapy services. If you haven’t already, sign in here to answer the Action Alert for this bill and other important nutrition policies.
The Communications Committee continues their important work of making sure MAND members are up to date and well-informed through the quarterly newsletter, social media outreach, and our website. Don’t forget that you can access past newsletters and other important information by going to the MEMBERS section of our website and typing in the word strategy.
We also have a new Membership Committee with our Membership Chair, Jillian Trapini-Huff at the helm. This committee will work to come up with fun and engaging opportunities for our members to network with each other and connect across our beautiful state. If you are interested in joining this committee or have ideas for membership events and opportunities, please email maineANDmembership@gmail.com.
Please always feel free to reach out to the board with any questions or ideas you may have. Have a public policy question? Interested in helping plan the spring conference? Have an RD you’d like to spotlight in the newsletter? You can always reach us at eatrightmaine@gmail.com. We can’t wait to hear from you!
Best wishes,
Kristine Kittridge, MS, RD, LD
RD Spotlight: Mona Therrien

Tell us about yourself!
I am originally from New Brunswick, Canada– this is where I completed my undergraduate in human nutrition and my dietetic internship. I was one of the first classes to graduate from a cooperative internship in 1991. I moved to Maine in 1996 and began my career as a dietitian in the US. I have been in numerous roles through the years, from Foodservice Director to Renal Dietitian to Clinical Nutrition Manager and Diabetes Program Coordinator, finally coming to UMaine as faculty in 2013. Since 2018, I have been the Director of the dietetic internship at UMaine. I hold a MS in business from Husson University and a Doctorate in clinical nutrition from Rutgers. I have two daughters that are studying at U-Maine; one is a senior studying nursing and the other is a sophomore studying finance. I have been living in Old Town since 2009 and I am now experiencing empty nest syndrome for the first time! My partner and I split our time between two homes in Old Town and Brewer. I also have two wonderful cats that keep me entertained.
What are some of the favorite things about your current job(s)?
My favorite part of being the internship director at UMaine is the opportunity to mentor students and interns and help them become professionals in the field of nutrition and dietetics. Seeing their enthusiasm and dedication to learning keeps me motivated to grow and learn, even as a seasoned practitioner. I find that I learn as much from my students as they do from me. I am also extremely lucky to be able to work with wonderful preceptors and clinical coordinators; whether my interns are completing clinical, foodservice management, or community rotations, I am constantly amazed by the quality of the experiences provided at their sites. Preceptors work tirelessly to ensure interns get the best education and training possible.
Why did you choose to practice in Maine?
I chose to practice in Maine because of the people of Maine. Whether I am working with patients or clients, interns, students, or preceptors, everyone is respectful and kind. I continue to feel very passionate about working in this state. The University of Maine provides the perfect environment for me to feel like I am servicing the state through teaching students or training interns.
What are your favorite hobbies or pastimes when you’re not working?
When I am not working, I enjoy gardening, biking, working out at the gym, and cooking for friends and family. I also enjoy camping and spending time at the beach in the summer. Another passion of mine is traveling– I hope to be able to continue travel in the future.
What is your favorite food?
Do you have any advice for new dietitians, dietetic interns or students?
Take advantage of every learning opportunity that is provided for you- attend webinars, conferences, trainings, and never stop learning– you have to stretch yourself to grow. Additionally, learn about topics outside of the profession such as art, music, and history; nourish the soul as well as the mind.
MAND Happenings
You are invited to attend the following webinar free of charge courtesy of Alcresta Therapeutics!
Challenging Cases in Pancreatitis & Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency: Jeanette Hasse, PhD, RD, LD, CNSC, FASPEN, FADA Wednesday September 2, 2020 12:30 EST
Click here to register!
MAND Spring Conference Update
Due to restrictions related to coronavirus, MAND wasn’t able to hold the in-person annual conference scheduled for May 1, 2020. Our flexible and talented speakers were able to shift to providing their presentations in a series of five weekly one-hour webinars from mid May to mid June. Attendees were able to join live or watch the recorded webinar at a later date. Click here to purchase access to these webinars for CEU if you missed the series.
Education was provided on:
From Illness to Wellness: Career Change and Finding What You Love to Do. Lisa Andrews MEd, RD, LD
Cannabis: Weeding Fact from Fiction Janice Newell Bissex MS, RDN, FAND
Microbiome Based Strategies for Managing GI Conditions Patsy Catsos MS, RDN, LD
Plant Power! An Educational and Culinary Dive into Plant-Based Eating Lisa Pitts RDN, Stephanie Health
The Diet Climate Connection Joanne Burke PhD, RD, LD
Thanks to our conference planning committee (Chelsea Champagne, Hillary Pride, Health Healy, Jacob Rich, Laurel Simone, Sarah Gilbert and Eileen Molloy) for their hard work this year. Plans have already started to bring educational opportunities to nutrition professionals in Maine for the upcoming year!

Food Science and Human Nutrition
Platinum Level Sponsor
Mentors and Preceptors for Future Dietetic Professionals
There is always a need for RDN’s and DTR’s to encourage and support students studying Human Nutrition and Dietetics. The University of Maine has a Maine Mentor Program, which offers students an opportunity to get “inside” information on careers of interest by matching them with graduates who are working in those fields. If you are a University of Maine alumni who would like to become a Maine Mentor, just complete the Maine Mentor Program Form electronically. If you are a graduate of another university and can be available for student questions about your career, email eileen.molloy@maine.edu with your contact information. Students are eager to make connections and learn about nutrition career options.
There is also always a need for preceptors to guide dietetics interns who are training to become Registered Dietitian Nutritionists or Nutrition and Dietetics Technicians. Link to the ACEND® Preceptor Sign Up Page to be added to a database which allows practitioners to register to potentially become preceptors.
You Are The Nutrition Expert!
Make sure you are included in the Academy’s free “Find an Expert” listing. MAND links to this resource on the home page of our website. Sign in to Eatrightpro.org and click on the My Academy tab to sign up or update your listing.
MNT Story Collection Campaign
The Academy is launching a MNT story collection campaign to highlight the impact of medical nutrition therapy in treating and preventing diseases and conditions that would be covered under the Medical Nutrition Therapy Act of 2020 We are primarily looking for stories about older adults that illustrate the effectiveness of MNT services, as well as stories about any time you might have been unable to see a patient due to lack of Medicare coverage for their disease state or condition. Share your MNT story to eatrightmaine@gmail.com.
FREE CPEU Opportunity!
Recorded Webinar: The Dairy Matrix: More Than The Sum of Its Nutrients
Featured Presenters: Katie Brown, EdD, RDN and Carrie Hamady, EdD, MS, RD, FAND
The link to the recording and CEU certificate can be found here. 1 Free CEU
Join Katie Brown, EdD, RDN, Senior Vice President Sustainable Nutrition, National Dairy Council as she explores the emerging concept of the food matrix, which looks at the physical structure of whole foods, the nutrients and bioactive factors working together synergistically to impact digestion, absorption and health.
The complex interplay between physical and chemical properties may help explain why nutrient supplements don’t always impart the same benefits as the foods in which they’re found and why even different physical forms of the same food may affect the body differently.
To bring the research into your practice, Carrie Hamady, EdD, MS, RD, FAND, NDC ambassador and director of Bowling Green State University’s Undergraduate Program in Nutrition and Dietetics, will provide educational strategies and translation tips to crystallize the concept for your audiences, moving science from the shelf to practical use to guide food behaviors.
We can agree that we eat foods, not nutrients, but the relationship between diet and health has focused on individual nutrients. Now the focus is shifting toward the impact of whole foods.
What’s new: the Academy
Food and Nutrition Magazine® Transitions to Digital Format
Due to the extraordinary challenges and uncertain future posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Academy has transitioned Food & Nutrition Magazine® to a digital format. We are pleased to be able to continue to produce the magazine without putting editors, photographers, printers and others at risk. In the latest issue, available now, learn about financial concerns related to COVID-19, telehealth best practices and tips, ways to be more inclusive when working with LGBTQ+ individuals, voices of diversity in dietetics, Turkish cuisine and more. Learn More
Future of Food Resources and New Webinars
Earn CPE credit by viewing webinars created by the Future of Food, an initiative of the Foundation, Feeding America and National Dairy Council. New webinars include “Exploring Malnutrition through the Lens of System Thinking” and “Gaining Ground: Applying, Individual, Policy, System and Environmental Change to Sustainable Food Systems Initiatives.” Learn More
The Academy Invites Members’ Input: Dietary Guidelines Scientific Report
Members, dietetic practice groups and member interest groups are encouraged to review the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee's Scientific Report and submit feedback. The Academy will use this information to develop comments during the response phases of the Dietary Guidelines process.

Nominations for 2021 Election It is never too early to start thinking about the future: the Academy's 2021 National Election. The Nominating Committee is seeking leaders with proven skills and vision to further the profession. Nominations close September 4 for president-elect, speaker-elect and treasurer-elect. Nominations for all other positions are due by November 6. Learn More