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As a service to our members, MAND maintains this list of jobs that may be available. Although we aim to keep the list up-to-date, positions are advertised for 3 months or until we are notified. Hence, some positions may already be filled.

Job listings are added as received. Please note that MAND is not typically notified when positions have been filled. We recommend that potential applicants check with the employer about the position availability prior to applying.

MAND Job Board

Please find current employment opportunities below. If you are interested in posting a position with us, please scroll to the bottom of the page to submit and pay for your posting. Postings cost $52 ($50 plus processing fees).


Employers seeking job applicants may advertise positions on the MAND Jobs Board. There is a $50 fee to post a position for a 3 month term. To do so, here are the easy steps:


1) Pay the Job Posting fee online

Job Postings will only be posted when payment is received.  Please send a message with subject, "Job Posting By Check," if you wish to pay by check.

2) Complete the form below and click “Send.” In the “Job Details” section of the form, please include job responsibilities, qualifications, any other pertinent information, including how applicants can find out more information.

Thanks! Message sent - please be sure to complete payment below.

Submit Job Posting
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