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MAND 2022 Winter Newsletter


Letter from our President

Welcome to the MAND Winter Newsletter. I hope you all had a safe and happy holiday season. I have heard from many of our members that these are truly challenging times. Whether you work in healthcare, school nutrition, academia, community nutrition, or any other nutrition and dietetics work setting, the ongoing issues of the pandemic are making our already busy lives especially hectic. In addition, many are juggling parental and/or caregiver roles with all of the unique circumstances brought on by the current surge. I continue to be inspired by the resilience of our members. In response to the continued impact of COVID-19, the MAND spring conference committee made the decision to offer the spring conference in a virtual format this year. While we cannot be together in person, we will have the pleasure of hosting wonderful speakers during our two half-day conference. The MAND Board will also be updating our members during the first day of the conference and we look forward to the opportunity. Please read on in the newsletter for more information on the spring conference.

Finally, I would like to thank all the members who filled out the membership survey in 2021. The information gathered will help your MAND Board provide services that you want and need to stay informed and engaged in your profession. I wish you all a great rest of your winter, stay warm and hope to see you all at our annual conference on April 7 & 8th.

Mona Therrien DCN, RDN, LD

2021-2022 President

Maine Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


Member spotlight– Jenny Maynard

Tell us about yourself!

My name is Jenny Maynard and I have been a registered dietitian for 12 years. I was born and raised here in Maine– I attended the University of Massachusetts Amherst for my undergraduate work and my dietetic internship. I currently work full-time at the Cedars, a long-term care/rehabilitation center in Portland, Maine. I also work as a consultant dietitian for an assisted living facility and a local group home. I reside in Windham with my husband and our two kiddos– a 3 year-old son and 7 month old daughter who keep us very busy!

What are some of the favorite things about your current job(s)?

My favorite things about my job in long-term care is the continuity of care and the relationships I have built with the residents and their families; some of my residents have been here since I started 12 years ago! I also work with a great interdisciplinary team which makes my job even more enjoyable and successful. I also thoroughly enjoy working with seniors- they have so much to offer and I have learned as much from them as I’m sure they have learned from me.

Why did you choose to practice in Maine?

I returned to Maine after I completed my dietetic internship as my family and boyfriend/now husband lived here. I also couldn’t think of a better place to raise a family– Maine has a lot to offer!

What are your favorite hobbies or pastimes when you’re not working?

I enjoy cooking, hiking, exploring the local area with my kids, running, reading, and spending quality time with friends and family.

What is your favorite food?

Homemade bread and all different kinds of cheese!

Do you have any advice for new dietitians, dietetic interns, or students?

Be open to job opportunities in different settings/areas and gain as much experience as you can from the get-go. I spent some time working in a hospital right after my internship which provided great clinical experience that I still reference today. Also– don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask for help– we are all always learning in this profession.


MAND Updates

MAND Affiliate Awards

We are seeking award nominations for emerging dietetic leaders. All recipients must be a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The Awards Committee is accepting peer and self-nominations for the following awards until March 10, 2022:

  • Emerging Dietetic Leader- open to any RDN or RDT who has practiced 5-10 years, is active (paying member in good standing) in the dietetic association (national, state, or district) for five years, not previously selected, demonstrates concern for health & nutritional status of the population, and exhibits leadership.

  • Outstanding Dietetic Student- Open to students enrolled in an ACEND-accredited dietetics education program and has demonstrated academic achievement, leadership, and professional potential.

  • Outstanding Dietitian of the Year- open to all active RDNs (paying and in good standing) in the national, state, or district association, not previously selected, and have demonstrated leadership.

  • Recognized Dietetic Technician of the Year- open to an RDT who is active in national, affiliate, or district association (paying member in good standing), not previously selected, demonstrated concern for promoting optimal health and nutritional status of the population, and leadership.

  • Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year- open to an RDN 35 years or younger by May 1, 2022, active in the national, state, or district association (paying member in good standing), not previously selected, demonstrated concern for the promotion of optimal health and nutritional status of the population and leadership.

To submit an award nomination, click here and complete the form by March 10, 2022. For questions or inquiries, contact the Nominating Committee at:



Virtual Conference/Webinar Series (two half-days) Thursday and Friday, April 7-8th. Click here to Register! The first 25 people to register will receive a Cabot gift basket worth $25! If you are unable to attend the live sessions, you will still have access to recordings of each session.

Reduced Price MAND Member Benefit:

MAND Member (or support member): $15 per day; Non-member: $30 per day

MAND student or retired member: Free


MAND Updates

2022 MAND Scholarships

The Maine Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is offering two $500 scholarships to students studying to be dietetics professionals. This award will be available to use for the Fall semester 2022. Application, transcripts, and Letter of Recommendation must be received by March 1, 2022. Click here for more information.

Public Policy Update

MAND is looking for members who are interested in working with the Public Policy Panel to connect with local legislators during National Nutrition Month (March)! Are you interested in getting to know your local legislator? Would you like to help our profession by connecting with local policymakers, sharing stories about why RDs are an integral part of our communities in Maine? The Public Policy Panel is putting together a Mentorship program that will connect MAND members who are well versed in meeting with local legislators with other MAND members throughout the state. The end goal of this program is to get more MAND members to connect with legislators to increase their access to nutrition experts. It also creates an opportunity for Legislators to learn about the many realms of the dietetics field! If so, please complete this brief form and MAND's State Policy Representative will be in touch with you.

MAND Volunteer Leadership Opportunities

Get involved with MAND! Each year, MAND has volunteer positions to fill, we’d love your help! Join us and learn valuable leadership and collaboration skills, while helping to advance the MAND mission. MAND Board and Committee Members must be members of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The MAND Board Year runs June 1- May 31. Applications are due by April 5th of each calendar year, but we accept applications at any time. For more information email



Hello MAND Members! As your representative in the House of Delegates, I wanted to give you a brief synopsis of the virtual meeting that was held for the House on January 22nd, 2022. The objectives of the meeting were:

  • Create a vision of collaborative practice/collaborative-ready practitioners across all areas of nutrition and dietetics practice.

  • Identify barriers to interprofessional education and practice.

  • Provide actionable recommendations to forward to the Board of Directors.

Reasons for addressing this topic include the increased expectation that future entry-level dietetics professionals to perform at higher levels of proficiency, owing to the compulsory graduate-level degrees for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists that will begin in 2024. Thus, RDN’s and other dietetics professionals need to be seen as effective members of interprofessional teams. The House of Delegates set out to recognize how bust to create these effective team members.

At the start of the meeting, the delegates heard from key speakers who are experts on collaborative practice. We were split into tables and asked to come up with a vision statement for creating collaborative-ready practitioners among nutrition professionals. In my group, key words found in many delegates’ vision statements included respect, engagement, value, and listening. In our next discussion group, we discussed different ways to achieve the vision of the group. Finally, we assigned a grade on these actionable items based on the amount of effort needed, and the amount of impact anticipated.

Overall, the notes from all the tables will be reviewed by the House leadership team, and recommendations will be made to the Board of Directors. When there are more updates, I will inform the members.

Keep an eye out for updates on this Spring’s HOD Meeting, occurring on April 30th.


Rachael Hall, MS, RD, CSG, LD


What’s New: The Academy

Seeking FNCE® Abstract Reviewers

The Center for Lifelong Learning seeks content experts to review and score FNCE® poster abstracts. Learn More

Celebrate a World of Flavors: #National Nutrition Month®

Thousands of Academy members provided input in August on potential National Nutrition Month® 2022 themes and graphics. The clear preference was Celebrate a World of Flavors. The theme embraces global cultures, cuisines and inclusion and showcases the expertise of registered dietitian nutritionists. For the second year, the Academy will provide cultural adaptation and translation of promotional resources. Tip sheets, activity handouts and other content are available in Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese. Spread the word about National Nutrition Month® on social media with the interactive toolkit that includes a Twitter chat schedule, hashtags, cover photos and shareable graphics. Plus: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day will be celebrated on March 9. Learn More

Free February 24 Webinar: Cultural Humility and Diversity The South Carolina Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics will offer a free, closed-captioned webinar on February 24 titled “Cultural Humility and Diversity: Why They’re Important.” The webinar is funded by an IDEA mini-grant to SCAND. It offers 1 CPEU and qualifies for the ethics CPE required for each five-year registration period. Learn More

Free Four-Day Trial: Nutrition Care Manual® Accessible through an easy-to-use platform, the NCM® suite (adult, pediatric and sports nutrition care manuals) is your hub for evidence-based practice, incorporating condition-specific Nutrition Care Process terms and Evidence Analysis Library guidelines, all in one location. A free, four-day trial is available. Learn More

March 14 Webinar: Vegetarian and Vegan Diets throughout Pregnancy The Women's Health and Vegetarian Nutrition dietetic practice groups will hold the first of two educational webinars on March 14, titled "Vegetarian and Vegan Diets Prior to and throughout Pregnancy: A Practical Update." The webinar will cover the latest in plant-based pregnancy, including omega-3s, choline, vitamin B12 and more. Learn More

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