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MAND 2022 Spring Newsletter

Letter from our President

Hello MAND members and happy spring! The spring marks the end of another MAND Board year and it’s been a pleasure to represent this great organization and its members as president. I hope you had a chance to attend our MAND Annual Conference-The Journey Forward! Packed with great speakers and opportunities to network, this year’s conference succeeded, despite being virtual, in bringing us all together as a community of nutrition professionals. We recognized our members in awarding the Outstanding Dietitian of the Year and the Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year. Congratulations to our recipients! We also need to recognize our hard working MAND Board Members who will be stepping down from their roles this spring. My thanks to Ria Saunders (Public Policy Coordinator), Leslie Ouellette (State Policy Representative), Mackenzie Clapp (Education Chair), and Maegan Perrault (Student Representative). Your dedication to the field of nutrition and dietetics is inspiring. Other Board Members are transitioning into new roles and we welcome their efforts as they begin a new Board year. My thanks to Kristine Kittridge (MAND Past-President) for all the support she provided during my tenure as president this year. Her mentorship was truly appreciated. Please join me in welcoming Sue Sullivan as our incoming MAND President for the Board year 2022-2023. She already has many plans for MAND and I look forward to working with her in the upcoming year. Finally, thanks to MAND members for your trust in allowing me to be your President! I have enjoyed getting to know many of you and have developed wonderful friendships. I hope you will continue to support MAND and we thank you for being a member!

Mona Therrien DCN, RDN, LD

2021-2022 President

Maine Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


2022 MAND Conference Wrap Up

MAND’s annual conference, The Journey Forward, took place on April 7th and 8th and was a great success! Although the ongoing pandemic led to the conference being virtual, we had a great turnout of about 100 RDs from all over. We had an array of great speakers that presented and provided our members with valuable knowledge, insight, and resources.

MAND was able to reduce the cost for this conference as a giveback to members, and have the presentations recorded for future access. Each day allowed for networking where members could chat and meet other RD’s in the state as well as a number of raffle prizes that were awarded.

Thanks to the conference planning chair, Sarah Gilbert, and committee members Heather Healy, Mona Therrien, Sarah Loring, Erica Magnuson, Jade McNamarra, and Eileen Molloy.

We hope to have next year’s spring conference in person and welcome members who want to be part of the conference planning committee. Contact for more information.

A special thank you to the sponsors of the MAND spring conference. This sponsorship has helped to make the conference possible and to keep costs low for our attendees. Click below for more information about our sponsors!


MAND Updates

Check out the MAND website!

The current password for the members only sections of the website is “strategy” to access information about volunteer opportunities, awards, the incident reporting tool and more.

MAND elections for open positions on the Board of Directors

MAND Elections are OPEN - Please cast your vote for our next MAND leaders by clicking here. Voting closes May 25th. Click here for more information about opportunities for volunteer leadership positions with MAND. We are still in need of a State Policy Representative, Nominating and Awards Committee Member, and Student Representative. If you know someone who would be a good fit (including YOURSELF!), please submit their name and email via the ballot.

New Website section- Student Member Resources

MAND is proud to launch a new member only section of the website specifically designed for students. This section helps students navigate the many resources of interest to anyone studying, planning, or just starting a career in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

You become a student member of MAND when you join the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in the student category and choose “Maine” as you state affiliate.


Congratulations to our MAND 2022 award winners!

Each year MAND awards recognition to our members in the nutrition and dietetics field for outstanding contributions to our profession. Congratulations to our colleagues receiving these awards for the Maine Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for 2022.

Future Dietetics Professional Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to Amelia Sullivan and Sarah Griffiths as this years winners of the MAND student scholarship awards. Each will receive $500 to help them with educational expenses as they continue in graduate school and dietetic internship towards careers as an RDN.

MAND Volunteer Leadership Opportunities

Get involved with MAND! Each year, MAND has volunteer positions to fill, we’d love your help! Join us and learn valuable leadership and collaboration skills, while helping to advance the MAND mission. MAND Board and Committee Members must be members of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The MAND Board Year runs June 1- May 31. Applications are accepted year-round. For more information email


What’s New: The Academy

Academy Seeks Nominees: 2025-2030 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

The development process of the 2025-2030 Dietary Guidelines for Americans is underway. The Academy will respond to the proposed scientific questions that will inform the development of the next iteration. Members are invited to nominate themselves or qualified expert colleagues to be considered in the Academy's recommendations to serve on the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Learn More

Live and Virtual: Nutrition-Focused Physical Exam Hands-On Training Workshops

The Academy’s live virtual NFPE training provides skills, techniques and the expert guidance RDNs need to accurately provide a nutrition diagnosis of malnutrition. Attendees benefit from receiving real-time feedback, which increases their confidence and skill level. Adult NFPE workshops will be held May 23 and 24; and June 13 and 14. A pediatric NFPE workshop will be held June 15 and 16. Ten CPEUs are available for each workshop. Learn More

June 8 Live Webinar: Gender-Affirming Nutrition Care for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Clients

A June 8 live webinar will address key questions regarding the care of transgender or gender-diverse patients. The webinar fulfills the required 1 hour of ethics-related continuing education. Learn More

For Practitioners and Consumers: Infant Formula Supply Chain Information and Resources

The Academy continues to support RDNs and NDTRs regarding formula supply chain issues and has created website pages for consumers and practitioners containing information and resources on infant and pediatric formulas.

Have a Question About Licensure? Join Wednesday Office Hours!

Whether you have a quick question about whether you need a license, want some updates, or have more in-depth concerns about consumer protection and professional regulation issues, the Academy’s staff experts on Consumer Protection and Licensure issues are here for you! Please use this updated meeting link and join us every Wednesday from 2-3 p.m. (Eastern Time) for questions or comments on licensure, however big or small.

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